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Twenty Photos In Peru

Eric Bai, 
July 23rd, 2018 · 2 min read

I was fortunate enough to travel in Peru for two weeks recently, and it was the perfect opportunity to get back into photography.

Here are twenty photos I liked from the trip. It’s pretty much landscapes, food, and animals. All photos were taken with a Fujifilm X-T2 with the 18-55mm kit lens.

Lima and Paracas


A grocery market in Lima. It was not very tourist-friendly, but we were able to navigate it thanks to our food tour guide. We even got to try a variety of local fruits and spices at this market.


Another stop on the food tour. This chocolate ice cream was made with local cocoa. It was thicker than regular ice cream, but not as thick as a gelato. I loved it!


The beautiful coast of the Miraflores district in Lima. This was across from the Parque del Amor.


The Barranco district in Lima was full of hip bars and restaurants. It was a great place to go after the sun had set.


Picarones are similar to doughnuts, but made from squash and sweet potato, served with syrup. This was at Tio Mario in the Barranco district. A great place for dinner too.


A national reserve just outside of Paracas. Loved the colours here.

Arequipa and Colca Canyon


Arequipa’s Plaza de Armas during sunset. We had to hit up a rooftop restaurant to get this view.


The start of our two-day trek in Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. The views of the mountain ranges were incredible.


I hiked down Colca Canyon carrying a tripod just for this shot. It was so worth it; this was the clearest view of the Milky Way I’d ever seen. We had to time our stargazing carefully, because the sky was only this dark for less than two hours between sunset and moonrise.


Multiple dogs hiked up Colca Canyon with us as the sun was rising, no sweat. How are these dogs so strong.


The rising sun’s rays hitting the mountains. Helped make the hike a bit more bearable.


The Andean condor is one of the largest flying birds in the world, and a significant figure in Peruvian folklore.


A lil alpaca and a llama.


Vicunas are the wild ancestors of alpacas, and the national animal of Peru. We couldn’t get very close to them without spooking them, so this was taken in a tour bus.

Cusco and the Inca Jungle Trek


Sunset at Cusco. I loved how the dense housing goes right up the mountains. This view is from a rooftop bar.


The cutest puppy siblings, just chilling at one of the hostels we stayed at.


Another good friend.


Not sure where this is exactly, but it was one of the best views on our 4-day Inca Jungle Trek.


Hit me up if you know what species this bird is.


We had to get up around 4AM to hike up Machu Picchu for sunrise. The view was unreal.

And that’s twenty. Thanks for checking out my photos!

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